It appears that I only have three people currently following this blog, yet people seem to comment, follow-up and discuss with me in person my entries all the time... so there's a slight discrepancy between people reading the blog and people clicking "Follow this". I'd love to change that. I invite anyone and everyone who is reading this to follow it, share it, re-post it on your face-twit-space's. etc. I want this blog to really grow and evolve. I want your comments and feedback.
I'm also not opposed to holding a blog-only contest for a free shoot (locally) or free print (Nationally) so tell me what you think bloggers, what would you like to see more of here? How am I doing so far? Have you shared this blog with any of your friends? Let's hear ya :)
I made this neat lil Icon/banner for you to post everywhere as well

I've been awful (admittedly) with posting links to your blog, so I'll definitely throw one up on Facebook tomorrow, babe.